Steve Plumb in Barrow Moor

What a great exhibition – although in the flesh (canvas?) would have been even better. I really like ‘Tracks and Traces’

Chris & Gill in Notts

Well done Tony, as usual a stunning eclectic mix of paintings. So nice to see them in a gallery.Chris & Gill

Lesley in Chesterfield

Viewed the exhibition this morning.Atmospheric paintings. Great. I particularly like the Local to you paintings. Some familiar views well expressed. Your eyes have been interpreting these places for a long time but you move forward all the time. Keep looking Tony and then we can see through your work. Thankyou.

Ewa and Nick in North Wales

It’s more than mere ink,Cold air in the lungs, it’s all,All about the light. Wonderful pictures. You’ve cheered up a wet Welsh Friday! Thank you, Tony